In March the UK government took the bold decision to close all schools and shops in the country so that the coronavirus can not spread and overload all the hospitals.

Children are doing school work on their computers at home. At the beginning of the week the teachers send out work for each day. Sometimes a project is for a week and sometimes for a day. Parents have become the teachers for their children.

Sad because I can’t see my friends, I get to watch a bit more TV!

We wanted to find out how teachers, parents and pupils are getting on so we interviewed some. Our teachers are feeling, “sad not to see our pupils”, but have been providing videos to keep in touch with them. Parents are doing a great job of helping their children do their work but are finding it a bit stressful. One pupil said he felt “sad because I can’t see my friends”. One good thing to come out of it is “I get to watch more TV!

So what will happen next? In my opinion shopping is going to change in the future. The shops are going to open so people can get stuff without going online but everyone should stay two metres apart. Some shops make you wait outside and the staff bring the things that you want to the door.