Avatar the last airbender is an Amazon Prime series. It is about a boy who needs to learn how to use the four element forces water, fire, earth and air to defeat Fire Lord Ozi. By the way, Avatar Aang already knows airbending. The main characters are Aang, Katara, Soka Toph, Zuko and Uncle Iroh. Aang is very lite on his feet. Katara loves waterbending. Soka likes being a warrior. Toph loves calling Aang twinkle toes. Zuko is obsessed with catching Aang. Uncle Iroh is very wise and in the Fire Nation he was known as the Dragon of the West because he could shoot fire out of his mouth. Aang faced the Fire Lord and won and took Ozi’s firebending away so he could not hurt anyone ever again. People who like fantasy and adventure will love this series.

I recommend it for ages 7+ and I would give it 5 stars *****.