The film is called Pokémon Detective Pikachu directed by Rob Letterman and starring Pokémon character Pikachu.

Pikachu is an electric type. He is super cute, he wears a detective hat. He has big ears shaped like eyes but thinner with black spots at the top. He has big red cheeks and everywhere else he is yellow except for his mouth.

Tim, whose father went missing, meets Pikachu in his father’s apartment. At first they don’t get along very well but then they get to like each other and Pikachu helps him find his father.

The most exciting part was when the Pokémon trainers became their buddy Pokémon. I won’t tell you the reader how that happened so I guess you will find the answers in the movie Pokémon Detective Pikachu.

Star rating: 5/5 stars

Suitable age group: 7 years and above