During the lockdown the school football goals were damaged. People trespassed on the Europa School grounds and the suspicion is that they then used the school club’s football goals to have a small match of footy. It is thought that they wanted to make their pitch a little smaller so that they could score goals a bit more easily. But in the process of dragging the goals together, they damaged the nets and the metal brackets. In an exclusive interview with the Club Secretary, Mr Andre Moriarty, he said: “I am very upset for a few reasons. Firstly, I am disappointed because people have chosen to enter a private location and use facilities that have been provided and paid for for the benefit of children. In doing so, they have been selfish in their attitude. Secondly, I am angry because the goals were paid for by the Football Club and it will cost us money if we have to fix them again”.

The school’s advice was to lock the goals up so that it does not happen again and this has now been done. Readers will be informed if there are further developments.