This has many models and one record (most pieces in one lego set). The most exciting bit is it has many features including a hidden compartment, it can fit one minifigure, a firing gun, two seats that fire the second pair of guns (that cannot shoot), there is a cockpit, the windscreen can detach. There is space for at least twenty people. It comes with 6 minifigures and 1 droid (BB8).

My rating is 4.9 out of 5 it loses 0.1 for falling apart a lot. I recommend it for kids 8 and over with parental supervision.

Here is a quick question and answer from Tristan Reed

Me: How did you get your hands on The Millennium Falcon because it can be hundreds of pounds?
Tristan: Well first I saw a really cool and cheap version (£44) so my parents said if I did a lot of jobs I could have it. But it was a scam so I had to go onto Ebay to find the cheapest and it was £100. I looked around the house to find stuff I could sell and found a bundle of octonauts toys that I had when I was a baby but I never played with them anymore. I thought that I should sell them on ebay and add it to the amount that my parents were going to give me for the first Millennium Falcon. Then finally I had enough to buy the Millennium Falcon so I bought it built it and had fun with it
Me: That is all from Tristan*