Amanda Reed works on chocolate so she knows lots of chocolate companies. One of them recently sent her some chocolate that she could not sell because it was out of date. It was a gigantic box full of boxes of chocolate.

Amanda Reed gave us an interview:

Me: Do you think you will get through the chocolate?
Amanda: Given how much chocolate we eat in this house, yes, I think we will get through it. But the good news is that this type of chocolate is good for your heart and does not have much sugar so it would not be a disaster if we ate it all unless we ate it all at once.
Me: Do you think there is a more healthy type of chocolate?
Amanda: Chocolate is a funny thing. It can be healthy or unhealthy. It depends on how much sugar and fat it has in it and other things like that.
Me: Were you surprised by how much you have been sent?
Amanda: Yes, very surprised my friend had said he would send his leftover stock I thought he meant a couple of boxes but we got 14!
Me: That is all from Amanda.