In March 2020, the UK government took the bold decision to close all schools in the country, so that people will stay at home and hopefully not many more people will get infected with COVID-19. It has now been two months and they haven’t found a vaccine.

School is happening at home and teachers are setting work online. Each day we do a few pieces of work. Although we are not at school and not with our teachers and friends, it does not mean that we are not enjoying the fun tasks!!

We wanted to find out how teachers, parents and pupils are getting on, so we interviewed some. Our teachers are feeling, “sad not to see our pupils”, but have been providing videos to keep in touch with them. Parents are teaching children, but miss children going to school and children are missing their friends. Please see the interviews below.

Interview with Mummy (parent)

JOURNALIST: “How do you feel about schools being shut?”
MUMMY: “I think it is sad that the school’s are shut as children are missing their friends, classmates and teachers. It was important that the school’s closed though, to stop the spread of COVID-19 and to keep people safe.”
JOURNALIST: ”What is the thing you are missing most about school?”
MUMMY: ”I miss your teachers being able to explain things to you in detail especially in Spanish as I am not a Spanish Speaker.”
JOURNALIST: “Is there anything good about schools being shut?”
MUMMY: ”YES! I now get to spend lots of precious time with you, your brother and Daddy. I’m normally at work and you are normally at school so we don’t get the opportunity to spend lots of time together. I have also enjoyed seeing how well you are doing with your school work and your love for learning.”

Interview with Amelie (pupil)

JOURNALIST: ”How do you feel about schools being shut?”
AMELIE: “I feel sad and I miss my teachers and friends. I understand why the school’s closed well- I just want them to find a vaccine.”
JOURNALIST: “What is the thing you are missing most about school?”
AMELIE: “I miss my playing with my friends and seeing my teachers. I really miss learning with my friends.”