Traditional Sugar Mice are often hidden in children’s christmas stockings, by Father Christmas! A firm favourite in our household!

Before you start, make sure you have a mixing bowl, a sieve, some greaseproof paper, a fork, a wooden spoon, knife and string. You will also need a tray, covered with greaseproof paper, on which to set the mice to dry out.

Do not get too tempted to eat them before they have dried out! They look brilliant on a Birthday party table or can be put into party bags!

Don’t forget, the finished recipe will taste sweet, sugary and scrumptious! Don’t eat too many little mice at once.

Ingredients - Makes 12 Mice.

  • 12 oz (or 12 heaped tablespoons) of icing sugar

  • 1 egg white

  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice

  • A few drops of pink or green food colouring

  • 24 silver balls

  • 12 pieces of string about 4 cms long


  1. First sieve the icing sugar onto a large sheet of greaseproof paper and put the eggs white into a large mixing bowl. Using a fork, lightly whisk the egg white until frothy. Gradually, beat in about two thirds of the sifted icing sugar with a wooden spoon. Add the lemon juice. For green or pink mice, add a few drops of food colouring in at this stage.

  2. Turn the mixture onto a clean working surface and knead in the remaining sugar to get a fondant that is soft and pliable so you can shape it. Dust the work surface with a little extra icing sugar to prevent the mixture sticking. Shape the fondant into a thick rope and divide into 14 equal pieces.

  3. Now take two pieces of fondant and shape the remaining twelve into a round, and then elongate each one to make a pear shape with a pointed nose and a plump behind.Stick a piece of string onto the behind of each mouse to form the tail. Use the kept back piece of fondant to provide each mouse with two ears. Press two silver balls into each mouse for the eyes.

  4. After you shape each mouse, put it on the paper lined tray. When all are complete put them somewhere warm to dry out. An airing cupboard is ideal. When dried out - serve and enjoy! Delicious!!!!