On May 23, Ayman, Sam and Emile saw each other at South Park. They noticed that someone had put new graffiti all over their football aiming spot so they created a new one called KA (Kipsta related Aiming) where there are the following targets:

Top corners = 1000 points

Middle = 100 points

Bottom corners = 500 points

They took shots in this order:




After a few rounds, Sam decided to leave because Ayman and Emile were not focusing and instead crossing the ball across the pitch then volleying it.

Ayman said, “It was close, Emile took his last shot and then it was My turn. I was under so much pressure!” He took a deep breath, he aimed. Boom! All eyes on the ball, he had got it in the bottom right corner! He had won!

The winner said, “It was really close but I got it in and I finished about 400 points in the lead ahead of Emile.”