This extraordinary football event took place in the garden of 5 Asquith Park on the 8th of June. The match was between the gold team and the silver team. The gold team had a fearless 4 year old girl tackler called Chloe and a spectacular daddy goalie. The silver team had an excellent goal scorer called Ollie and a super midfielder mummy. Some things happened in this game so I am going to tell you what happened.

It was a hard fought match and the ball nearly went over the fence several times. There was a yellow card for daddy because whenever I got near him he would lift me into the air and kick the ball away from the goal. A couple of Ollie’s shots hit the fearless Chloe in her face but she just carried on. Unexpectedly the winner was the silver team by 1 goal with the score of 5-4. Ollie decided to celebrate with mint choc chip ice cream for everyone.